Home> Бо мо тамос гиред
Contacts :Zhong
Ms. Zhong
Тел :0755-27205420
Телефони мобилӣ :++8615889340039
Email :2091376107@qq.com
Суроға :1010, Yonghui International Business Building, interchange of Baoyuan Road and Gushu Road, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Кишвар / минтақаи :China
Зип :518000
WeChat :15889340039
Department :Sales DIVISION
Маълумот барои тамос
Mr. Xie xiaoyun
Contacts : Mr. Xie xiaoyun
Department : Sales DIVISION
Тел : 0755-27205420
Телефони мобилӣ : 13530753191
Email : 13530753191@139.com
Суроға : 1010, Yonghui International Business Building, interchange of Baoyuan Road and Gushu Road, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Кишвар / минтақаи : China
Зип : 518000
Ваҳдат :
Маълумот барои тамос
Mr. Huang xiaoming
Contacts : Mr. Huang xiaoming
Department : Sales DIVISION
Тел : 0755-27205420
Телефони мобилӣ : 13600400074
Email : 450045489@qq.com
Суроға : 1010, Yonghui International Business Building, interchange of Baoyuan Road and Gushu Road, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Кишвар / минтақаи : China
Зип : 518000
Ваҳдат :
Маълумот барои тамос
Mr. Zhou cheng
Contacts : Mr. Zhou cheng
Department : Sales DIVISION
Тел : 0755-27205420
Телефони мобилӣ : 18907900031
Email : 174503369@qq.com
Суроға : 1010, Yonghui International Business Building, interchange of Baoyuan Road and Gushu Road, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Кишвар / минтақаи : China
Зип : 518000
Ваҳдат :
Маълумот барои тамос
Ms. Zhong meiping
Contacts : Ms. Zhong meiping
Department : sales division
Тел : 0755-27205420
Телефони мобилӣ : 18260814599
Email : 2905597779@qq.com
Суроға : 1010, Yonghui International Business Building, interchange of Baoyuan Road and Gushu Road, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Кишвар / минтақаи : China
Зип : 518000
Ваҳдат :
Home> Бо мо тамос гиред

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